Here I am! A single Mom to 3 very active boys!! Well, not really a "single" Mom for real. Chris left for Little Rock, Arkansas after church this past Sunday. I'm here in Birmingham waiting until the boys finish school. I miss him terribly....but, don't want him to know just HOW much...who knows, maybe I can use this to my advantage!!! LOL!!!! No, really...I miss him when I sit down at night and he isn't close to me. Just to with each other....wind down until bedtime and get ready for a new day. I miss touching him in the middle of the night....shoving him so he won't snore sooooooo loud!!! lol!!! I miss his kiss in the morning when he leaves to take Reed and Cole to school and when he leaves for work. I miss having lunch with him on occasion. I have no energy left at the end of the day, always making a list of things to do the next day.
The boys have really been's only the first will I make it through the end of May? Brandon graduates May 23rd......then, I'm off to Little Rock that very next week, with Reed and Cole in tow. Brandon seems to think that he doesn't want to be a part of us anymore after Graduation. He wants to stay in Birmingham and hang with friends when he isn't working. That makes me sad....but, I can't make him come to Little Rock for the summer and miss out on being with his friends in Birmingham. I am pretty sure that he won't be seeing them as much as he thinks he will be. They will be busy getting ready for college, spending time with their families......I can't make Brandon see that though. He will be growing up a lot, (hopefully) this summer. He just may be mapquesting Little Rock...I hope!!!!! Especially when he runs out of $$$$$$ lol!!!
I have been so busy trying to keep the house ready to show! I will be so happy the day that we get a contract on it!!! I know that there is a buyer for every home, just wish that ours would come on and "get 'er done"!!!! This is the pits!! When I move, and after I un-pack....I plan on not cleaning for a solid week!!!!! LOL!!
Well, this short message that I intended on writing just turned into a long one!! I'm still alive......need to get back into the groove on the Scrap Etc. MB and I need to call a few friens......hang with me.....I'm here!!!!! (wink!)
Well we miss you, so come chat with us when you get lonely.
Hang on girl...I know it's tough, but dangit, you can handle it! Now put on your big girl panties and deal with it!!! Have an affair with that wine bottle! {wink...wink...wink} Lubs ya!!
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