Man! I really enjoyed going to Trussville yesterday and hooking up with some girlfriends!!! I met up with Kay and Melinda at Scrap Etc. 2 today.....did a good bit of shopping.........did a "photo" session while in the store, thanks to Brittney!! I will post those here later.
It was a gloomy day and I couldn't have asked for better company to be with. After shopping, we went to a place called Joel's to eat. Good 'ole Southern home cooking!! Kay and I ate the liver and onions!!! yum!!!! Melinda and I enjoyed some pickled watermelon rind. Made me think of my Grandmother so much! She used to can these and I loved them as a child. You don't find too many places like this Mom & Pop restaurant anymore. It was good food, not greasy,greasy like some.
Melinda had to leave and go get the kiddies from school!! (boo hoo). Well, Kay and I had some free, I hopped in the car with her and we did an errand that she had on her list. Then, we went to Target and picked up her cards that she is going to be doing for the Event swap. I already had my pink cards......we found some "others" and they are sooooo cool!!!! Well, we decided that I'd give her half of my pink ones, and she'd give me half of hers! They are going to be so stinkin cute!!!!!!! We picked up a little "bling" from the $1 bin at Target. I just love that place!!! After leaving Target, we went to Michaels. OMG ! I got some Making Memories embellishments for half off. I'd wanted some of these for Christmas, but our Michaels had sold out of the ones that I'd wanted......anyhow, this one had them! whoo hoo!!!! Kay and I could really do some damage together!!!! We think a lot alike........I think we may have been sisters in a previous life!!!!!!
Oh, I showed Kay what I'd worked on last weekend. She brought some Maya Road books that she had done. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! They are Beautiful!!!! This woman rocked these books in a BIG way!!! They were awesome! I'd like to sit down and look at them again. Brittney and I were looking at them......Kay says she was a "clean" scrapper........Brittney and I both said, uh.......NOOOOOOO!!! She really did an excellent job on them!!!
Well, we were to be headed to Little Rock as of now........change of plans. I refuse to talk about it. Mabye.......just go and scrap the rest of the day!!! Chris is home today....don't know what we'll be doing together. We do a lot of talking lately.........ready for all this "stuff" to be over. Time will tell. that's all I'm saying about that situation! It will work out!
Well, I'm so wishing that I could just push a button and voila!!! The pictures of Kay, Melinda and I will be up probably tomorrow. If I can remember how to do it!!! lol!! lol!!!
All I've got to say is I love you, girl!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxo
Everything will be fine and remember that things happen for a reason! Lubs ya Nan!
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